11.Cold Wallet
A cryptocurrency wallet is not connected to the internet. These are safer and less prone to scams.
The ability to send data, tokens, or assets from one blockchain to another. This is different from “multi-chain” services, which are built to work on multiple blockchains.
A form of information encryption, where data can only be unencrypted with a key. Blockchains using Proof of Work protocols rely on the solving of incredibly complex cryptography puzzles for new blocks to be mined and verified.
A cryptocurrency is a token that’s native to a blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are typically minted with each new block mined. For instance, each new block of Ethereum mined comes with a reward of two ether tokens as compensation to the miner.
Cryptocurrencies are a type of token. Their nativity is their defining factor: Other tokens are created using platforms and apps built on top of blockchains, while cryptocurrencies are built into a blockchain protocol.
Short for decentralized apps.
A decentralized autonomous organization. A DAO is an organization where decisions are made by consensus: All holders of governance tokens get votes in organization decisions, with the solution with most votes being the DAO’s course of action. Imagine a decentralized investment bank, but instead of fund managers making investment decisions the holders of its governance tokens vote on how funds from its treasury are invested.
17.Decentralized exchange
Decentralized exchanges are used to buy and trade cryptocurrencies. Unlike typical exchanges, these use peer-to-peer transactions that circumvent any centralized authority. These include Uniswap and Sushiswap.
Short for “degenerate,” similar to “apeing.” A “degen play” or “being a degen” means investing in something without doing due diligence.
Short for “decentralized finance.” Defi is any financial tool, like a smart contract or DAO, that uses blockchain technology to circumvent middleman institutions.
20.Diamond Hands
Diamond hands are people who hold onto financial assets for long periods of time or throughout turbulent price movements.
See the next 10 below.