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Russian Federation Federal Law “On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States)”

translation by Miles for the Saker blog



On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States)

Adopted by State Duma

on 22 May 2018

Approved by Federation Council

on 30 May 2018

Article 1. Objective and scope of application of this federal law

1. Objective of this federal law is protection of interests and security of Russian Federation, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, rights and freedoms of citizens of Russian Federation from unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States, including enactment of political or economic sanctions against Russian Federation, citizens of Russian Federation or Russian legal entities, or other actions posing a threat to territorial integrity of Russian Federation or aimed at political or economical destabilization of Russian Federation.

2. Measures (countermeasures), aimed for achievement of objective specified in clause 1 of this article (hereinafter referred to as measures (countermeasures) might be taken against United States iof America and other foreign States committing unfriendly actions against Russian Federation, citizens of Russian Federation, or Russian legal entities (hereinafter referred to as unfriendly foreign States), as well as against organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them, against officials and citizens of unfriendly foreign States, in case if said organizations. Officials and citizens are involved in committing unfriendly actions against Russian Federation.

3. Measures (countermeasures) are introduced independently of other actions aimed at elimination or minimization of a threat to interests and security of Russian Federation, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, threats of violation of rights and freedoms of citizens of Russian Federation.

4. Implementation of measures (countermeasures) are mandatory for public and municipal authorities, as well as for citizens of Russian Federation and legal entities under the jurisdiction of Russian Federation.

Article 2 Measures (countermeasures)

The following measures (countermeasures) might be taken:

1) Termination or suspension of international cooperation by Russian Federation or Russian legal entities with unfriendly foreign States and organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them, in areas defined by decision of President of Russian Federation;

2) Prohibition or restriction of import to Russian Federation’s territory for goods and (or) raw materials originating from unfriendly foreign States or produced by organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them. List of such goods and (or) raw materials ashall be defined by Government of Russian Federation;

3) Prohibition or restriction of export of goods and (or) raw materials from Russian Federation’s territory for organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them and for citizens of unfriendly foreign States. List of such goods and (or) raw materials shall be defined by Government of Russian Federation;

4) Prohibition or restriction to perform works or provide services for State’s and municipal needs as well as for needs of certain types of legal entities, specified in clause 2 of article 1 of federal law # 223-FZ of 18 July 2011 “On procurement of goods, works and services by certain types of legal entities” on Russian Federation’s territory by organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them, List of types of such works and services shall be defined by Government of Russian Federation;

5) Prohibition or restriction of participation of organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them and citizens of unfriendly foreign States in privatization of state and municipal property, as well as for performing works or providing services by such organizations in organizing selling of federal property on behalf of Russian Federation and (or) carrying out functions of seller of federal property;

6) Other measures as specified by decision of President of Russian Federation.

Article 3 Procedure for imposition of measures (countermeasures)

1. Measures (countermeasures) shall be imposed by Government of Russian Federation by decision of the President of Russian Federation.

2. Measures (countermeasures) shall be cancelled by Government of Russian Federation by decision of the President of Russian Federation in case of elimination of conditions which were grounds for imposition of measures (countermeasures).

3. Decisions to impose measures (countermeasures) or to cancel them might also be made by President ofd Russian Federation on the basis of suggestions by Security Council of Russian Federation.

Article 5 Particular aspect of implementation of this Federal law

1. In case if unfriendly foreign States apply national treatment, specified by international treaties, to goods originating from Russian Federation, works performed by Russian entities, services provided by Russian entities and (or) establish exceptions from it, President of Russian Federation might make a decision to apply national treatment to goods originating from unfriendly foreign States, to works, performed by organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them or by citizens of unfriendly foreign States, to services, provided by organizations under the jurisdiction of unfriendly foreign States, directly or indirectly controlled by unfriendly foreign States or affiliated with them or by citizens of unfriendly foreign states, and to establish exceptions from such national treatment.

2. Measures (countermeasures) specified in clause 2 of article 2 of this Federal law are not applicable to vitally important goods which has no equivalent produced in Russian Federation.

3. Measures (countermeasures), specified in clause 2 of article 2 of this Federal law is not applicable to goods imported to territory of Russian Federation by citizens of Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons for personal use.

Article 5 Entry into force of this Federal law

This Federal law shall come unto force on the day of its official publication.

President of

Russian Federation



Moscow, Kremlin

04 July 2018

№ 127-FZ

About BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"

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