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Ijinle Ohun Ife: The Yoruba Language of The Gods

Oluporo Ikaomesi Ijenjeniwonran, D’Ifa fun Olodumare ti yio t’orun fimule mu ebora se….. Igare-Osule, gbogbo eriwo ni foribale fun alase ‘Ijinle Ohun Ife’………………… { ‘Oluporo Ikaomesi Ijenjeniwonran (Sealers Of Every Words & Languages), Divined for the Almighty God that initiated every Spirits/Gods with convenant in the Divine realm of the Heaven…. ‘Igare-Osule (Endorser Of Everyone’s Destiny), every metaphysical beings must accord utmost submission to the KING/LORD that rules in the usage of the ‘Ancient Language Of The Gods’ }


LANGUAGE is the compendium of people’s traditional culture and artistic ideologies behind the existence of their nation ………. Whosoever does not respect the usage of his native or national language is the complete agent to the demolition of the language’s heritage…… The World of both spirits and Man were compounded on LANGUAGE which birth the WORDS of every moments; So therefore, with everyday adventures around the globe, LANGUAGE is the most effective tool to establish War/Peace, Happiness/Sorrow, Destruction/Production & Death/Life.


The modern missionaries may be the master-minders behind the doctrinal teachings of RELIGION, but no one can in-built the spirit of LANGUAGE comprehension into someone’s medula-oblaganta except God the creator. The Entire universe will be united as one World only if the minds of every mankind will be broadly open to the knowledge of truth which they must appreciate to facilitate the united propagation of peace through LANGUAGE.


Fact and not Myth, ILE-IFE is the heavenly portal that birth the global universe to become the world of man; Apartheid or Religious segregation is not appreciated in the Ancient City because everything in the present worldly existence emanated from the Holy Groove of ESINDALE for all creations to enjoy the fullest God’s labor in the Paradise of Eternity which is EDENA in ILE-IFE. The past still exist in the present just as the present is the rooted foundation of every coming future, nothing must change in the tradition of the Ancient people of the World because the Predestined Memoirs or Encyclopedia of Tomorrow’s future rest in the bellies of the OMOLARERE who shall eternally be sitting around MOREMI AJANSORO in the darkest night of every full-moon in the palace of OONIRISA to garner and learn from the Fountain of Ancient Wisdom that the Sacred Queen of ORANMIYAN shall always foretell in the YORUBA language of the God (Ijinle Ohun Ife).

May it be known to every traditional Kings, Queens, Monarchs & Crowned-Lords that their Imperial Thrones are the Ancient Altar Of the Ancestors of Tradition & Culture; for the grandest preservation & propagation Of the ANCESTRAL LIFESTYLE OF ORISA, it is forbidden for any African King or Monarch to Inculcate or instil any sorts of religious manners that may jeopardize the integrity of the African Tradition.


“IJINLE OHUN IFE (The Yoruba Language Of The Gods)” is the World-greatest spiritual & imperial language Of Every OBA including the Almighty OONIRISA, to rule and manifest their imperial or royal decisions in anywhere around the globe…… The sacred utterance of the YORUBA Language in the forms of ‘Ede’ or ‘Ewi’ or ‘Ayajo’ or ‘Epe’ or ‘Ofo’ or ‘Ese-Ifa’, shall conjure, compel and command the ancient Spirits of Tradition to Manifest the decisions of the Imperial Kings ! Native Nations like China, India, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, Paris, Rome, Greece & England will never adopt any foreign official language to rule their empire because it totally goes against the fundamental existence of their nations .


All honors, respects, adorations, idolizations & imperial celebrations belongs to every KINGS that rules over any nations whatsoever because the greatest obligation of any Monarch is to Exist for the Spirits/Demons in Human-form and every citizen of the King’s nation is looking-up to the monarch to receive divine blessings in the ANCIENT TONGUE OF THE GODS which is traditionally call “IJINLE OHUN IFE”


©12th December, 2015 {•Living The Imperial Lifestyle•} : •••His Spiritual Majesty {HSM} EMPEROR ALAFIA ADEOBA AMITABHA SHALOM {Amb., LLNC, WVG}•••

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