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2/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Clinical Lycanthropy)

This mental disorder has gained a lot of attention because of the prominence of wolves and werewolves in today’s popular society. Sufferers of this disease accept that they can transform into wolves or werewolves, and will customarily invest evenings in ...

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3/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Autophagia)

A lot of us have found out about cannibalism where people eat different people, however with autophagia the individual really eats up parts of their own body. Persons who experience the ill effects of this condition frequently have a feeling ...

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4/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Boanthropy)

This is a mental issue where the sufferer confided in himself/herself to be a bull or a dairy animals. This broken conduct by and large starts as a dream and later changes into a hard and fast mind flight. It ...

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5/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Foreign Accent Syndrome)

The 1st record of foreign accent syndrome (FAS) was accounted for in 1907 and the uncommon therapeutic condition is regularly activated by head injury, stroke or formative issues. The issue causes the sufferer to transform from their local discourse to ...

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6/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless

Apotemnophilia is otherwise called amputee character or body integrity personality and is apparently a neurological issue in which an individual has the overwhelming yearning to cut away healthy parts of their body. Sufferers will either remove their limbs or ask ...

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7/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Bigorexia)

At this point some of us have found out about anorexia, a food mental disorder portrayed by sustenance limitation; however bigorexia is a remarkable inverse. Otherwise called muscle dysmorphia, this issue happens when an individual (basically men) is fixated or ...

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8/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Ebkom’s Syndrome)

Considered as astoundingly dreadful, ekbom disorder is really a manifestation of depression where the sufferer thinks their body has been invaded by parasites. It is named after Karl Axel Ekbom who documented the mental disorder in the 1930’s.

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9/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Acrotomophilia)

Acrotomophilia is identified with apotemnophilia and is a type of sexual fetishism where an individual has a staggering sensual enthusiasm for individuals with missing limbs. There is almost no examination done on the reasons for this issue, however specialists accept ...

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10/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless (Fregoli Delusion)

Likewise called the daydream of pairs; with this mental disorder an individual imagines that few people are indeed one person in mask.  The 1st instance of fregoli daydream was accounted for in 1927. A young lady who lived in London, ...

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11/12: Weird Mental Disorders That Will Leave You Speechless(Pica Disorder)

This is an uncommon dietary problem where an individual begins to have a voracity for things that are non-eatable, for example, metal, shakes, glass or even hair. It is often seen in ladies and youngsters, particularly in territories of low ...

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