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LGBTQ: Youtube takes down Uganda Solidarity video – Check it out on Rumble

So, they took down our Uganda Solidarity video on YouTube and tagged it as Hate Speech. See? It’s a one-sided narrative promoted by an evil mafia. They’re free to say whatever they want and do whatever they please, but we can’t talk. No! I will speak and we will not tolerate Nonsense on the continent of Africa! This colonial bullying must stop now. I STAND WITH UGANDA! The video has been re-uploaded on Rumble. See the link Below Please keep sharing!

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Video: There is no such thing as “Israeli people” – Syrian president Bashar Assad calls a spade a spade!

Syrian president Bashar Assad’s statement about not recognizing the existence of an “Israeli people” on this land is the essence of our struggle as natoves with colonialism. The man is putting his finger on the actual wound, saying there is essentially no such people. It is a matter of a diaspora who occupied the land and evicted the natives. Show me one other Arab leader who can say such a thing! Now unlearn EVERYTHING they ever taught you about #Syria.