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ebo yoruba

“I’ve done several ebos (sacrifice) but my situation financially is getting worst”…

A friend, not yet a fully fledged Babalawo, called me from Venezuela and said as follows:-
“Araba, my friend, I think I am going to throw Orunmila away(he meant Ifa)”.I asked, why?
He said, “I have done several ebos(sacrifice) and my situation financially is getting worst”.
I asked him, “what will be your next move, join the Born Again Christian Fellowship or Islamic Fundamentalists Movement where they have never faced any difficult situation in life?
My friend hesitated in answering my question and I continued, “the so called great prophets including proficient Babalawos also faced challenges but still kept their faith. The key to success is “trust and obey”. I told him of a verse

from “Ogbe Se” as follows:-
Oju ti npon Babalawo a pon ku ko
Osi ti nta’wo a ta la ni
Bo ba pe ti ti a o f’oro yi serin rin
Adifa fun Oosanla Oseremogbo ti nlo Oja Ejigbomekun ti nlo re ra aro wa le
Koipe koijina aro nsokun aro nso’de aro nso ologinigini aso irada ti o fi la Obatala

The hard times facing Babalawo (Olorisa/priest/priestess) are not permanent
The situation with poverty will end in wealth
On the long run, we shall have the last laugh
Cast divination for Obatala when going to the market of Ejigbomekun to buy a cripple as a slave
At long last, the cripple makes gold, silver and jewelries to make Obatala wealthy.
My view
Are you in the same situation with my friend?
Let it be known that if you cannot have the necessary patience and perseverance, you are free to opt out of our cherished Religion, Ifa.
Those who have ears should listen.
Stay blessed.
From Araba of Oworonsoki land,Lagos Nigeria.

About ayangalu


  1. Naijagisto

    Eru ti m’ora eru Ire ni o, eru ti mo ra lo la mi, eru ti mo ra eru ire ni. Aboru aboye baba.

  2. Omotayo Amire

    Iye Inu Alabahun Kii Ku..Iye Yin Koni Ku O Ase….. Dats Fact…. Eni Ti Ikin Koba Gbe Koda Tie Mo Titemi.. Kin Ma Riunbo… IFA GBEMI NI TEMI… OLUWA MODUPE IFAMI GBEMI

  3. Jamiu Raji Rassaki

    Venezuela, like yhe rest of the world is facing huge challenges. This the best opportunity to prove the healing powers of Africa. No long stories, Baba. One love. Lets show dem!

  4. Temitayo Adedigba

    I would inquire of is Odu Ita to see if he has neglected some things.

  5. Temitayo Adedigba

    Also, some times, there may be some verse or information on an Odu that was not spoken during his Ita that nevertheless can help him.

  6. Aboru’boye baba. Keepe fun wa o. Ase.

  7. Aboru’boye baba. Keepe fun wa o. Ase.

  8. thank u baba.igboron san ju eboruru lo.

  9. Olanrewaju Adetola

    Ogbo atooo 3x

  10. Segun Adewake-up

    You could have told him to embrace his Ori and his Iwa cos these two entities work together but there is no medicine or ebo for iwa. In Ogunda meji ifa explains that theres a limit that the deities’ can interfere in the affairs of man except a man’s ori and his iwa. And consult olodumare oba ateni legelege ti da Emi ti omo araye fi mi.

  11. gba Oni Tan Lori Le Oo, Suru Lebo O, Bo Pe Titi Ori Agbe Wa Debi Re…

  12. Olufadeore Quinn

    smiles just reading u guys comments.

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