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Iyalorisa Omitonade Ifawemimo‎Ifa University

Iwure/ Prayer To Yemoja

You who rule the waters, pouring over humankind your protection, Divine Mother, wash their bodies and their minds, performing a cleansing with your water and instilling in their hearts the respect and veneration due to the force of nature that it symbolizes, let us protect your group of things and what they protect.
We beseech powerful Yemoja, Queen of the waters, to receive this prayer.
With love and justice, give me the required and necessary strength to withstand everything.
In your sea of nature and harmony, I want to live.
Protect my loved ones from all harm and danger…. Ase Ire O!!!
Hail Yemoja, Queen of the Sea/River/Lake/Ocean ##Proudly Olorisa# #Divine Self# #Spiritual not Religious# #Orisa DNA# Iya mi# #Guardian Orisa# #Yemoja# #Iyami Olodo# #Iyalorisa# #Ancestral Vision#


Iyalorisa Omitonade Ifawemimo‎

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