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Odu Ifa Osa Meji

Odu Ifa Osa Meji

Ekaaro eyin eniyan mi, aojiire bi? Aku isimi opin ose, adura wa yio gba o.
Odu ifa OSA MEJI lo gate laaro yi, ifa yi gba akapo ti odu ifa yi ba jade si niyanju wipe ki o sora gidigidi fun oore sise, ifa loun koni jeki o se oore se o, ifa ni ki o mase wo aso pelu eniyan papo nitori o lewu o, ifa ni aisan kan nbe nikun akapo yi ifa ni ise awon eleye ni ifa ni ko rubo ki o baa le segun aisan naa.

Ifa naa ki bayi wipe:
Idunkundun Oyo
Ifokufo ogbigbi

Ijekuje adan nifi ntenu nsu a difa fun ejerindinlogun ojodu lojo ti won ntorun bo wa saye won ni ki won o karale ebo ni ki won wa se, (obi meji, aso ara won, obuko, eru eko, eru akara ati igba ewe ayajo ifa) won kabomora won rubo yato si Osa meji to loun ko le fi aso ara oun rubo, nigbati won wa nbo ntikole isalaye seni ejiogbe to wa niwaju wa ri iya eye leba ona pelu ihoho nibiti won ti ngbon honihoni won wa bere sini nbe ejiogbe wipe ki o gbewon dele aye sugbon ejiogbe loun ko le gbewon nitori wipe oun ti fi aso ara oun rubo lode orun ko si aso ti oun yio fi gbewon, bee ni gbogbo odu nde ti won nso bakanna si won yato si Osa meji ti kofi aso tie rubo oun ni awon iya eye wa be to si gbo ebe won lo ba lanu to ni ki won kosi oun nikun bi won se kosi nikun niyen to si gbewon dele aye, nigbati won dele aye tan ni Osa meji ba pe awon Iya eye wipe ki won jade sita o nitori won ti dele aye o, bi awon iya eye se fi aake kori niyen o ti won sope inu ikun Osa meji ti bawon lara mun lati maa gbebe, Osa meji wa ni bawo ni e o se maa gbe inu ikun oun nigbati o je wipe oun seyin loore ni, oni ebi ni yio pa yin ku sibe nigbana o ni won bafi Osa meji rerin wipe ebi kankan ko le pawon won ni ifun Osa meji ni won yio maa je, lotito bi won se nje ifun re niyen o ara wa bere si ni Osa meji o wa pada lo soke iponri bi awon eleye yio se jade ninu oun won ni o fi gbogbo ifun inu ewure rubo ati epo ki o lo gbe sorita meta ajaloko ti o bati debe Ki o maa se haa!!!


si nigbati o bati gbe sile, ni Osa meji ba bere sini nse bee bi awon Iya eye se jade sita ninu ikun re niyen o, Osa meji wa bere sini njo o nyo o nyin awo awon awo nyin ifa, ifa nyin eledumare oni nje riru ebo a maa gbeni eru arukesu a maa da ladaju ko pe ko jina ifa wa bami larusegun arusegun ni a nba awo lese obarisa.
Eyin eniyan mi, mo gbaladura laaro yi wipe ao ma ni si oore se o, oore ti a maa se to maa ko bawa ako ni bawon se o, eledumare koni jeki a ri ogun aisan buburu ti awon omo eleye ngbe si eniyan ninu o aaaseee.

1. What is the best topic for this passage(kini akole ti o daraju lo lati fun ayoka yi)?
2. What is the meaning of this words(kini itumo gbolohun yi)? “FI AAKE KORI”
3. What is the main instruction given in this passage(kini ikilo to lagbara ju lo ti ayoka yi gbawa niyanju lati mase)?



English Version:
Good morning my people, how was your night? hope it was greatly enjoyed, Happy weekend to you all.
It is OSA MEJI corpus that revealed this morning, ifa advised whoever this corpus revealed out for that he/she should offer sacrifice and heed to warnings so that he/she wouldn’t go astray. Also, ifa warned him/her on any assistance that he/she may render so that he/she may not blame him/her self at last and he/she should not allow anybody to wear his/her cloth unless the cloth is no more useful to him/her, ifa said there is a spiritual illness affecting this person in the stomach, ifa said is the hand work of the witches.
Hear what the corpus said:
Idunkundun oyo
Ifokufo ogbigbi
Ijekuje adan nifi ntenu nsu it cast divined for major sixteen corpus when they were coming from the heaven to the earth, they were advised to offer sacrifice, (two kola nuts, their present wore cloth, he-goat, corncake, cake beans and ifa leaves) they all complied except the Osa meji that said he can’t use his cloth to offer sacrifice, so on their way coming to the earth the ejiogbe that was in the front saw the mother of witches by the road side in nakedness shriving seriously and she begged ejiogbe to carry her down to the earth but ejiogbe made her understand that he couldn’t carry her because he has used his cloth to offer sacrifice in the heaven and there is no cloth he will use to carry her, so ejiogbe went away, so applicable to all others corpus except Osa meji that wore cloth, when the mother of birds(witches) saw Osa meji she begged him seriously to carry her to the earth and Osa meji agreed, he opened his mouth and she(mother of birds) entered there, when they reached earth Osa meji told her that they have reached the earth and she should come out from his stomach but the mother of birds refused to come out she said Osa meji’s stomach is very warm and he should let her staying there forever, Osa meji was very shocked and he told the mother of birds that you will just be starve there because there is no food you will eat and mother of birds replied him that, what of Osa meji intestines? That is what i will be eating, truly she began to eat Osa meji intestines and Osa meji was in angony and blaming himself, he went back for consultation on what he could offer that will make this mother of birds comes out of his stomach, and he was advised to offer all the intestines of goat and palm oil as sacrifice and he should place it at three junctions and he complied, when he placed it down he started vomiting them on the top of that sacrifice, that is how he later conquer them, he started dancing and rejoicing praising priest the priests were praising ifa while ifa was praising God.
My people, I pray this morning that we will never render an assistance that will backfired us, and any sort of spiritual illness disturbing us in stomach will be chase out today by the powerful hands of God, Orunmila will cover us with his strong protection ase.
N.B: it was wrong for so many people that used to say it was Orunmila that carried the witches from the heaven to the earth, don’t listen to fake chanting of corpus, it was Osa meji.




Faniyi David Osagbami

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