Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / Must Read to those Bashing Osinbajo’s move to Ukraine but not Russia for Arms.

Must Read to those Bashing Osinbajo’s move to Ukraine but not Russia for Arms.

For those of you that ask why not quickly embrace Russia for help as to asking Ukraine for help ?
See how a political scientist, publisher and a political public commentator answered the question bellow.

“Russia under Putin is a game changer always full of surprises and act at the right time. Many of you may not know that a direct move to ask or pivot to Russia will automatically mean a regime change in Nigeria immediately or as quickly as possible or even death.

“We all saw what happened when the president of Russia visited Nigeria back in the day. Though I have nothing to back this hypothesis but facts remain late President Ya’radua started having chronic issues and to silent him finally he went to Saudi Arabia for check up the 2nd time. This is like going to the same enemy zone since Saudi Arabia is now a confirmed ( or has been) permanent Puppet to the AngloZionist Empire.  In other words late President Ya’radua died in Saudi Arabia.

I am very sure  and hope President Buhari will never make this type of mistake.

Military challenges is absolutely one of the challenges the Ukrainian puppet government feels it’s facing. And here the Ukraine has asked Obama for Military supply. ” The problem is not military supply of arms but the technical know how to use those arms and even NATO cannot win the SE war in Ukraine as we speak.”

“As we speak there is no fly zone(not officially) declared in the Donbass. Meaning nothing can fly in the airspace . This was even confirmed when Tochka U ballistic missile fired by Ukrainian puppet government in Kiev backed by NATO mercenaries fired it into a well populated Donbass region was shot down by the NovoRussia forces in SE.

“The NATO and Obama know 110% that they can’t win the war in S.E by supplying more arms to the Ukrainian government. They even claim some of the arms may get into the wrong hands in the SE. That was a lie, many of the arms were taken from them when their forces were encircled recently that lead to Minks 2 agreement.”

And some of the arms are supplied by Russia (this I’m also sure but Russia denies it)
“The puppet in Kiev now wants more Arms from the west. To do what ? To fight one on one. They lost in the Debaltseve encirclement in dobass- lugansk area of Ukraine. A ugly defeat that revealed the polish mercenaries there.

Balogun Adesina –

Allow me to add the following  lines!

NATO (and allies) rely completely on air superiority, while Russia does not. Arming terrorists with MANPADS (McCain and Hilary Clinton Pushing for this in Syria.. The same strategy they thought they used in sending the Soviet packing back in the day) will certainly backfire, and affect NATO the most.

I should think the response from Russia to such actions by NATO (or its allies) would be fairly predictable in Syria.  Russia may arm Syria, Yemen, and the Kurds with advanced anti-air defense too in order to maintain the status quo. All of the middle east then becomes a no-fly zone for everyone forever.

Russia can give Syria ground superiority, while supporting offensives from the sea with cruise missile strikes. And if Russia really wants to get nasty, it can arm Syria and Iran with anti-ship missiles–that we now know have a 1500+ km range.

Once everyone has anti-air defense, you have a Ukrainian scenario, where a small heavily armed conclave can’t ever be defeated. Without air superiority Saudi will lose in Yemen, Turkey will lose against the Kurds, and the middle east will be off limits to NATO.
So yeah. Go head NATO, do something else crazy in Syria.

About BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"

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