Abi foto Buroda Alabi Pasuma ko ni mo n wo yii ni? Ko ma si eni ti Olorun ko le fi owo to lokan sa o. Burudo Pasuma, Orobokibo Creator, Oga Nla 1, Ijaya of Fuji, Oluwa yoo ma so agbara yin dotun oo.
Europeans long portrayed Africans as lacking culture. And yet they couldn’t resist stealing our cultural treasures in their thousands and putting them in museums around the world – if private collectors didn’t snap them up for a small fortune first. Experts reckon over 80% of plundered African artefacts remain in European museums. The British Museum, for example, holds over 70,000; Belgium’s Royal Museum nearly 200,000; another 75,000 are in Germany’s Ethnological Museum; and France’s Quai Branly Museum keeps almost 70,000. ...