Home / Art / Culture / Why do you want to fight with your Ori(Destiny)?
Iyalorisa Omitonade Ifawemimo‎

Why do you want to fight with your Ori(Destiny)?

Just listen to this from Ejiogbe:-
Ogbirigidi ni ja toke lule
Adifa fun Alagbede okun laape Ori
Ori lo da Oya sile Ira
Ori lo da Sango si Koso
Ori loda Orisanla si Iranje
Ori loda Ogun sode Ire
Ori lo da Esu Odara si Ketu
Ori lo da Osun si Ijumu
Ori lo da Orisa oko si Agba Irawo
Ori lo da Egun si Ode Oje
Ori lo da Iya mi sode Ota
Ori lo da Orunmila soke Igeti
Gbogbo isowo ope
Ibi ori dami siyi dara
A loud sound is heard when an object falls down
Cast divination for the blacksmith of the ocean called Ori
Ori(destiny) created Oya in Ira
Ori created Sango in Koso
Ori created Orisa nla/Obatala in Iranje
Ori created Ogun in Ire
Ori created Esu Odara in Ketu
Ori created Osun in Ijumu
Ori created Orisa oko in Agba Irawo
Ori created Egun in Oje
Ori created Iya mi in Ota
Ori created Orunmila in Oke Igeti
Fellow Priests and Priestesses, Ori(destiny) has created me in a joyful abode.(Ejiogbe)
The best way to avoid depression is to accept your fate. You can’t be a lawyer and be envious of a doctor etc. Everybody cannot be a Babalawo. Be happy in whatever position you find yourself. Be grateful to your Creator because no matter your situation, you are still better than some people. Be prayerful according to your faith. Don’t neglect your Orisa and ‘Ifa dida, ebo riru'(divination and sacrifice) to improve your situation. Feel confident but be humble.
Stay blessed.
From Araba of Oworonsoki land, Lagos Nigeria.

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