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Timeline of Activities, 60 yrs Sabotage on Ajaokuta Steel Company (Sabotaging Nigeria’s Future)

1958 ( Elizabeth II)

Government conceptualised the steel industry. Foreign consultants advised that it was better to import steel than to construct and run a steel plant. (**1st Sabotage recorded 🙂 )

1970 ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

Messrs V/O TyazhPromExport (TPE) of defunct USSR contracted to carry out detailed geological studies of Nigeria regarding occurrence of raw materials suitable for iron and steel production

1971 ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

NSDA founded, with the responsibility for planning, construction and operation of steel plants as well as necessary geological surveys, market studies, and metallurgical research relevant to steel production.

1973  ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

NSDA commissioned (TPE) to prepare preliminary project report (PPR) for the proposed steel plant.

1974  ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

Preliminary Project Report (PPR) completed

1974  ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

Decision to site an integrated steel plant in Ajaokuta in former Kwara State

1975  ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.})

PPR accepted and TPE commissioned to prepare a detailed project report based on recommendations contained in the approved PPR

1977 ( Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo,1 October 1979 {resigned.})

Detailed Project Report (DPR) was completed

1977 ( Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo,1 October 1979 {resigned.})

Confirmation of viable deposits of iron ore, limestones and dolomite at Itakpe, Obajana & Osara respectively. These sites sit within the 100km radius of the Kabba – Okene – Lokoja – Katon-Karfe axis

1977 ( Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo,1 October 1979 {resigned.})

Decision to site Iron Ore Production Plant in Itakpe within the same radius to serve as a raw materials feeder Plant for ASP

July 1979 ( Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo,1 October 1979 {resigned.})

Contract for working drawings and the supply and installation Technological Equipment and Steel Structures of ASCL awarded to Messrs. TPE

September 1979 ( Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo,1 October 1979 {Ousted.})

ASCL established under Section 2 of National Steel Council Decree No 60 of 1979. ASCL incorporated as Limited Liability Company same year.

Same decree dissolved NSDA and established:

– Delta Steel Company Limited (DSC)

– Katsina Steel Rolling Mill Company Limited (KSRM)

– Jos Steel Rolling Mill Company Limited (JSRM)

– Osogbo Steel Rolling Mill Company Limited (OSRM)

– National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Kaduna

– National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos (NMDC)

– National Iron-Ore Mining Company, Itakpe (NIOMCO)

1980 (Shehu Shagari, 31 December 1983 {Ousted.}) Sabotage continued…

Wimpey, UK awarded contract to build a Metallurgical Training Complex; Boskalis, Netherlands was contracted to build a river port while Indian forms, Pan African Consultancy Services Ltd. (PACs) & Metallurgical Engineering Consultants (MECON) were awarded Project management consultancy contracts

Other civil engineering works were awarded to Fougerolle Nigeria Limited/Fougerolle SA (raw material plants, coke oven, blast furnance thermal power plant); Bilfinger and Berger/Julius Berger Nigeria Limited (steelmaking shop and rolling mills), and Dumez Nigeria Limited/Dumez Afrique (auxiliary shops, lime and refractory plants)

1983 (Shehu Shagari, 31 December 1983 {Ousted.})

Inauguration of Light Section Mill (LSM) and Wire Rolling Mill (WRM) of ASP

1984 (Major-General Muhammadu Buhari, 27 August 1985 {Ousted.})

Light Section Mill (LSM) and Wire Rolling Mill (WRM) ran for a short period and were shut down due to lack of operating capital.

1985 – 1993 (General Ibrahim Babangida,26 August 1993 {resigned.})
Inactivity due to installation of IMF puppet regime.

1993  (Ernest Shonekan, 17 November 1993 (deposed.})

Messrs Engineering Consultants (Nig.) Limited (ECON) appointed consultants to the project to encourage indigenous participation in project management

1996 (General Sani Abacha, 8 June 1998 {assassinated in office.}

TPE contract was terminated under Supplement 34 due to lack of funding.

1997 (General Sani Abacha, 8 June 1998 {assassinated in office.})

Voest-Alpine Industries Services (VAIS) was assigned the task of elaborate evaluation of the state of the construction of the plant
1998-1999 (General Abdulsalami Abubakar, 29 May 1999 {resigned.})
Inactivity – massive sabotage and corruption at all levels of government and Institution.

2000 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

TPE conducts Technical Audit of ASP with Russian Experts.

June 2003 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

FGN, under the privatization policy of the former President Olusegun Obasanjo administration, granted Messrs Solgas Energy of USA a 10-year Concession for rehabilitation, completion, management and operation of ASP

August 2004 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

Cancellation of Concession Agreement with Messrs Solgas Energy of USA due to non–performance

August 2004 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

FGN grants Messrs. GINL a 10-year concession (with option to extend for another 10 years) for the rehabilitation, completion, management and operation of ASP. GINL consequently took over ASP

February 2005 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

FGN granted GINL a 10-year concession (with option to extend for another 10 years) for rehabilitation, completion, management and operation of NIOMCO. GINL consequently took over NIOMCO, Itapke

February 2005 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

GINL purchased 80% of DSC shares from FGN through a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement. GINL moved into occupation and took management control of DSC

October 2006 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

FGN granted GINL a 20-year concession in respect of the Central Rail line from Itakpe to Ajaokuta to Aladja

May 2007 (Olusegun Obasanjo, 29 May 2007 {Handed over power to Umaru Musa Yar’Adua})

FGN entered into a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement (the Ajaokuta SPA) with GINL giving 60% of the issued share capital of ASCL to GINL.

NOTE:Effectively, GINL gained ownership control of ASP (60%) & DSC (80%); a 10-year concession with respect to NIOMCO (with option to extend for another 10 years) and a Railway Concession with a duration of 20 years from their effective dates

October 2007 (Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, 5 May 2010 { Assasinated or died in office?})

Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Alhaji Sarafa Tunji Ishola appointed and inaugurated an Administrative Panel of Enquiry (APE) to look into the activities of GINL in ASCL, DSC and NIOMCO

December 2007 (Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, 5 May 2010 { Assasinated or died in office?})

APE submitted its report and recommends the termination of the GINL Concession Agreements with respect to ASP and NIOMCO

February 2008 (Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, 5 May 2010 { Assasinated or died in office?})

14th February, FGN through the NRC, terminates the GINL October 2006 Concession Agreement with respect to the Itakpe-Ajaokuta-Aladja Central Railway.

18th February, NRC wrote to GINL withdrawing the termination letter

April 2008 (Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, 5 May 2010 { Assassinated or died in office?})

President Yar’Adua cancels the FGN’s 2005 Concession of NIOMCO to GINL due to failure of GINL to show capacity for carrying the concession forward thereby revoking all rights in the Agreement. FGN is also convinced that the agreement was skewed in favour of GINL.

NOTE: If FGN had waited 25 more days, it could have taken advantage of clauses 3.2 & 12.1 of Ajaokuta SPA. GINL had an obligation to pay US$162m by 25th May 2008 for the purchase of ASCL shares – and it was apparent that this payment would not have been made by the due date

April 2008 (Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, 5 May 2010 { Assassinated or died in office?})

GINL took the FGN to the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration (ICC) claiming huge damages for wrongful termination and breach of Contractual Agreements in respect of ASCL and NIOMCO. The Arbitration dragged for 4 years

December 2012 (Goodluck Jonathan, 29 May 2015 {Handed power over to Buhari})

FGN under former President Goodluck Jonathan takes a view that an out-of-court settlement represented the best option to resolve the logjam with GINL, having taken legal advice that the cost of termination may be substantial. The AGF/MoJ constitutes a team to negotiate with GlNL on behalf of FGN

January-May 2013 (Goodluck Jonathan, 29 May 2015 {Handed power over to Buhari})

FGN negotiating team met three times with GINL resulting in a “Framework Settlement Agreement (FSA)” dated 1 May 2013. Federal Government resolved through mediation and conciliation between its negotiation team and GINL, to re-concession NIOMCO to GlNL for 7 years and take back ASCL from GINL

December 2014 (Goodluck Jonathan, 29 May 2015 {Handed power over to Buhari})

To implement the points agreed to in the Settlement Agreement three further meetings were held. The first was held on 5 June 2014 and the second was held on 30 and 31 July 2014. Paragraph 2 of the minutes of the meeting of 30 and 31 July 2014 required the prompt conclusion of the NIOMCO modified concession agreement

14th June 2016 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

Not entirely satisfied with the terms of the initial MCA, the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development led by the Minister, Dr. ‘Kayode Fayemi, initiated a modified NIOMCO Concession Agreement (MCA) as an Addendum to the 2013 FSA

July 2016 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

The Addendum to the MCA, contains the following key advantages to Nigeria:

– While GINL’s claim at arbitration was for a revalidation of original Concession Agreement, the MCA provides for an initial 7-year term (in consideration of the fact that GINL had already utilised 3 years of the original Agreement;

– Concession Fee was improved from 3% in former Concession Agreement to 4% of Annual turnover in the Modified Concession Agreement;

– The Renewal of the Modified Concession Agreement is no longer automatic as in the initial concession agreement;

– While the former Agreement stipulated that the concession was to be undertaken for the purpose of the Concessionnaire, the MCA stipulates that the concession is undertaken for the mutual benefit of the parties;

– Supplying the requirements of Ajaokuta Steel Co. Ltd. as a priority customer, before selling any excess to any other third party customer; and

– FGN is to constitute a Monitoring Committee consisting not more than Seven (7), Two (2) of whom shall be nominated by GINL better than the former which stipulates that the concessionaire shall appoint Three Fifths of the Board and the FGN Two Fifths

August 2016 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

Framework Settlement Agreement from the Jonathan Administration and the subsequent Modified NIOMCO Concession Agreement, executed by both parties, under the Chairmanship of the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Chairman, National Council on Privatization, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN

August 2016 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

Ministry of Mines and Steel Development presents status update on the MCA to House of Reps. Sub-Committee on signed MCA with GINL and NIOMCO, under the aegis of the House Committee on Privatization

September 2016 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

Ministry of Mines and Steel Development presents status update on Ajaokuta at 2-day interactive Session between House Committee on Steel and Iron & Steel Stakeholders

June 2017 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

The 2017 Appropriation Act is signed into Law, with N2.096,500,000 budgeted under MMSD for advancing the concessioning of the ASCL” (Reference: FMOSM76314197)

July 2017 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

MMSD presents at the Public Hearing on the Call to consider the original Builders of the Ajaokuta Steel Plant in the proposed Negotiation for the completion, reactivation and operation of the Project

As at 1st March 2018 (Muhammadu Buhari, {Incumbent})

• FGN grants GINL the access to the NIOMCO Concession Areas in Itakpe for the conduct of detailed Technical and Financial Due Diligence as stipulated in the FSA

• Both the Federal Government and GINL complete full Tax and Legal Audits of NIOMCO

• GINL has concluded the Due Diligence for NIOMCO

• Messrs Greenwich Trust Limited are engaged as Transaction Advisors on Due Diligence for NIOMCO

• PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is engaged to review the final inter Company indebtedness and financial audits for Ajaokuta

• Approval of Demobilization Payment to Messrs KOCH for rehabilitation work undertaken to improve NIOMCO Plant after GINL’s exit in 2008

April 2018

FGN expects Technical Audit for Ajaokuta to be completed and the process for soliciting Expressions of Interest from interested Core Investors to commence.

NOTE: On-going Technical Audit is being conducted by in-house personnel at ASCL.


It turns out that Ajaokuta steel industry has been sabotaged for 60 straight years by our western partners installing puppet regimes and any regime who refuse to ball follows the likes of Muritala (Great hero), Shehu Shagari, and Umaru Musa Yar’Adua.

From deep findings, nothing happened in Ajaokuta during the Era of IBB. IBB was nothing but an Obedient puppet to the IMF, installed by the empire. This shows why nothing happened during his era in the Timeline above.

Abacha was only foolish that colluded with the west and the west ‘killed him’ and also used the deal against him. He was also involved in the Ajaokuta steel debt buy back which he inflated to the sum of $2.5Billion but turns out that it was only $500m owed to the Russians. The west helped him in this dirty deal to loot Billions of dollar to Swiss bank but in the end used it against him.

Sabotage during OBJ’s Era.
From findings as follows.
MOSCOW, Mar 8 2001 OBJ
Ending his March 6-7 official visit to Russia Wednesday Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Obasanjo signed a 10-page-long Declaration on Partnership and Friendly Relations, designed to encourage “all forms” of trade and investments, notably in energy sector. The visit of the leader of Africa’s most populous nation was described by Russian official media as a major bridge-building event. OBJ went to sign deals with Russia to complete the deal and they were already going to complete the deal. Russia sent its expert to look into the damages and that went on for some months.

Here is a video that confirmed this from a fan of Ajaokuta steel

March – September: Russian Experts came to check the Steel industry and already secured money from Russian bank to complete the deal.
Now see what happened next to OBJ in our homeland.

Jan 2002 OBJ
Explosion: The Ikeja military cantonment was a large military cantonment and storage area in the city of Lagos, situated north of the city centre near the districts of Isolo and Onigbongo. In January 2002, the base was being used to store a large quantity of “high calibre bombs”, as well as other sundry explosives.

You can confirm that via this video too.

OBJ’s life was threatened to death and following Putin’s letter in our homeland (A total act of war). Anyone could remember OBJ was supposed to be around Ikeja at the time the Bomb started. Coincidence ?? ? No, OBJ replied Putin’s letter but did not mention anything about Ajaokuta. In other words, he played politics and corruption with Nigeria’s future by handing over the contract to Solgas.  One will also find out that OBJ started mass privatization after the Bomb blast where all the buyers were already known even before it started.  From the Timeline above a company (Messrs Solgas Energy of USA was owned by a Friend to OBJ’s son but recommended by an American expert) that knows nothing about Steel, then the sabotage went on.

A few months later Putin sent a letter to OBJ about the deal. Confirm the letter @ mark 9:00 in the video above.

President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua
President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua canceled the contract with Solgas and was going to complete it with the Original Builders, the Russians. The president of Russia came to Nigeria to sign the deal, they were going to add Rosatom Plants and complete Ajaokuta.

‘What happened to President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua?
‘Yaradua did not only cancel the deal but also signed a new deal with the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev (https://www.rt.com/news/medvedev-visit-to-nigeria-marred-by-attacks/) that visited Nigeria. He signed a Rosatom deal to build nuclear power plants that would bring Nigeria out of total darkness.

Were these late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua‘s red-lines as he died mysteriously in Saudi Arabia , right ?

‘The event that took place after his death !  President Goodluck Jonathan was installed and he re-concessioned the Ajaookuta back to the saboteurs according to the timeline  (Solgas now in Partnership with GINL) above and video also confirmed this, not only that but also replaced the Rosatom deal with GE plants (See the link here http://thenationonlineng.net/jonathan-inaugurates-ges-1b-plant/).

‘This is the same GE plants Minister of power, Fashola  complained of gas sabotage to it. It’s a known fact that ‘Ajakokuta Steel industry can power 2 states when it’s completed and working full time for 25 years. It can power Kogi and Benue state for 25 years non stop.

President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua died mysteriously in Saudi Arabia then the sabotage continued under President Goodluck Jonathan.

Now the question is will Buhari too do the same thing and what is astake here? His life ?? If Buhari decides to hand over the contract again back to the saboteurs. This will SHOW BUhARI is a WESTERN PUPPET with no Nigerian interest at hand.

A company that Bulgaria jailed everyone that participated in the deal  Global Infrastructure Holding Company !

1958 ( Elizabeth II) Government conceptualised the steel industry. Foreign consultants advised that it was better to import steel than to construct and run a steel plant. (**1st Sabotage recorded :) ) 1970 ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.}) Messrs V/O TyazhPromExport (TPE) of defunct USSR contracted to carry out detailed geological studies of Nigeria regarding occurrence of raw materials suitable for iron and steel production 1971 ( General Yakubu Gowon, 29 July 1975 {deposed.}) NSDA founded, with the responsibility for planning, construction and operation of steel plants as well as necessary geological surveys, market studies, and metallurgical research relevant to steel production.…

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About BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"

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