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Ego -I know it all

I am the best
No one is like me
I’m better than everyone
I hate apologizing to people
I always win argument
I don’t like nonsense
I wanna have it all
I know it all
Anything I say is final

Ego is just three letter words that gives people bad impression and confuse them about who they are and what others thinks .

It’s an act that we all need to eradicate, you only know what you know, what you don’t know, you don’t know!

Some ways to free yourself from Ego are:

Be humble
Love all
Apologize even when you are right
Give when you have
Receive when you don’t have
Be contented
Hold grudges against no one
Rather discuss than argue
Listen to what others are saying
Only suggest, dont command.

With these, you are bound to have peace of mind for the rest of your life.

About ayangalu

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