Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / Christian integrists funded by evangelical extremist, Storm Togo countrysides to Infiltrate the Cultural heritage of the people.
white extremist

Christian integrists funded by evangelical extremist, Storm Togo countrysides to Infiltrate the Cultural heritage of the people.

Reported by a facebook user.

“Here I am at the hotel and three white Christian integrists funded by evangelical extremist groups from the United States are loaded with Bible and trap gifts to go into Togo countrysides to attack the culture and belief of the Africans in the name of the superiority of Christianity and white people culture over other cultures and belief systems.

If they would be killed, someone would say Africans are savage to protect their culture against white Christian extremists who are now thousands pouring in Africa with their filthy religion and colonial mindset.”

About ayangalu

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  1. Niyifour


    Kaduna blocking off traffic from Kano.
    They are in ema-ko-tiyin-bawa (carry… https://t.co/SwWUUnklBn

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