Home / Naija Gist / Foreign / Italy Has Spread Coronavirus To 11 Countries So Far (info Graphic)
italy corona virus

Italy Has Spread Coronavirus To 11 Countries So Far (info Graphic)

Coronavirus may have been in Italy for weeks before it was detected
Test results worry experts as new cases emerge in Nigeria, Mexico and New Zealand

How the coronavirus has spread from Italy

UK Buxton and Burbage, Derbyshire Primary school and GP surgery closed. Two people test positive

italy corona virus

Netherlands Two cases reported on 28 February linked to northern Italy

France A 64-year-old man who recently returned to Annecy from Lombardy tests positive

Denmark First case as a man returns from northern Italy on 24 February

Germany Possible case under investigation after a patient returned from Italy

Austria First cases as two 24-year-olds fall ill in Tyrol

Croatia First case as a man who visited Milan between 19 and 21 February is diagnosed

Spain Sports journalist who attended a Champions League match in Milan on 19 February tests positive

Canary Islands Italian doctor, staying at a Tenerife hotel with his wife, tests positive on 24 February

Israel Recently returned visitor from Italy tests positive

Nigeria First case in sub-Saharan Africa as an Italian citizen who returned to Lagos on 25 February falls ill

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One comment

  1. Manney Uto

    Can you see this interesting map of the spread of #coronavirus.

    Soon the Nigerian map will be drawn.… https://t.co/FyoS42R4bc

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