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Do not invest in Lagos

“Do not invest in Lagos state by Moghalu’s Wife” – Kakanfo on X revisits recent history

You do not have the singular capacity to defend Lagos state and APC from the propaganda of Obidients who are largely of Southeast extraction on X without the activities of people like Lagospedia. As at last year, they bullied Governor Sanwoolu till he locked his account. The wife of a former presidential Candidate known as Moghalu openly started the operation “Do not invest in Lagos state” mantra.

Do not invest in Lagos

An example is the tweet below, which has thousands of likes. It was still many unpaid, uninduced, and young Yorubas who fought hard to destroy that propaganda. Many people are angry with your post but there is nothing to be angry about, my advice to those who see your act as a form of betrayal is that they must never forget or forgive. Never take a bullet for leaders who will destroy their people to please outsiders.

Can I ask you a question? Do you think, it was because of your social media activities that destroyed the IPOB Obidient agenda in Lagos state??? No! It was the activities of selfless Yorubas who worked day and night on this app and on the ground to destroy their momentum and prevent thousands of our youths from becoming canon fodders. I am not surprised you are the one who posted this. It has to be you for obvious reasons. Many of us called our youths, educated them, went into mosques and churches, organized meetings upon meetings and spent our time, money, and energy to ensure that Yorùbá youths do not join these nonsense protests in Lagos state and we are happy we were successful.

But look at you. Pandering to people who wanted to remove and annihilate:e your principal from office??? I will not blame Sanwoolu because as an adviser, you ought to have a basic rationale of what is sensible and insensible. This is 2024, not 1970, we will remember and make you suffer politically. Even if na to ensure that 2 to 3 different platforms run you down politically, it will be done…Your akosile…

Because no Igbo or Fulani leader will do this to their people except you selfish and Akotileta political leaders. Can your kids do the job of Lagospedia??? They are obviously somewhere speaking Queen English with zero Yorùbá consciousness like Shinedu Gbarebo. You are not Akosile, you are Akotileta. If you don’t respect and defend Yorùbá people who stick their necks for you, we will not mince words and sabotage you radically where necessary.

If Tinubu was a saboteur like you, do you think he would have the backing of the overworld and the underworld???? Till today, Peter Obi has never condemned IPOB. Till today Atiku never condemned the killers of Deborah. Till today Buhari Never condemned herdsmen who killed thousands in the middle belt. To my fellow Yorubas, Never forget and forgive this act.


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