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Sign of ‘Acute poverty’? I Feel Depressed! My Cousin Beats Me Because Of N100 Biscuit

My fellow Ooduarere
Good afternoon

I have been a follower for close to a year now…. Even though I have been a reader for about 3 years before joining.

I just got admitted into a school in the south East while my parents live in the North.

My parents (my mum especially) pleaded with me to stay with her eldest sister and her children for a while, at least for my first year in school

I didn’t want it at first … But I had to agree just cuz of the way my mom was now on my neck.
She worried I knew nothing about the east…. She wanted me to get a bit used to the East

With the help of my dad….. She succeeded in convincing me to stay in her sister’s house.

My first weeks in the house was quiet peaceful and fun not untill my cousin brother started looking for his biscuits

Funny right 

It seemed funny that a 23 years old dude would turn out to be a devil just cuz of an ordinary 100 naira biscuits.
Mind you … He is the only son
He asked everyone and everyone denied taking it. He asked me and I too denied it…. Cuz I didn’t take it.

He beat hell out of me… Insisting I was the thief.
We became almost enemies and didn’t talk to each other for about 2 months.
Aways from that … We reconciled tho

But he still remained a trouble to my life
Always beating me as if am an animal…. He beats his sister too.

But it seems mine is worst
He has stopped me from sitting on a particular chair in the parlour.
He bullies me … Telling me there is nothing I, my parents, or anyone can do to him.

I received the beating of my life today because the Tv remote got spoilted and he is insisting it’s me. He accuses me of virtually everything that goes wrong in the house.

I’m getting sick, depressed and it’s affecting me alot.

I don’t want to disturb my mum about it … It might cause problem between she and her sister
I don’t want to be the cause of anyone’s quarrel with another person.

I wish to go home. And I can’t go back home now … Cuz of the Corona virus and the inter state lockdown.

Please what do I do 

Help me out
He gets worst by the day.

About Adebareabiola

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