Eku ojo awo. Aboru aboye. Peaceful greetings to all isoro ope. I pray that the wisdom of Orunmila continues to guide and protect us all. Ase. This is a question that has puzzled me for a long time. There are verses of Ifa that tell how Olodumare sent Obatala to the world and how he met Olokun when he arrived here on earth. So, I wonder about the true identity of Olokun. More exactly, I wonder how many Olokun are there? I was taught that there are three:
(1) Olokun Asoro Dayo, who is Orunmila.
(2) Olokun Aja Okoto, who was a man who was elevated to the status of Orisa.
(3) Olokun Seniade/Jemiade, who was one of the original beings sent to live in the world BEFORE humans were created. I look forward to your thoughtful insights.
Obafemi Origunwa ~Ifa university