Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / 20-year-old mom gives birth to THREE sets of twins in 26 months
20 year old mom

20-year-old mom gives birth to THREE sets of twins in 26 months

Danesha Couch, 20, of Kansas City, Kansas, delivered two boys 26 months ago. One of them died from complications of premature birth, 14 months later, she gave birth to a set of girl twins Delilah and Davina. The 3rd set of twins, Dalanie and Darla, were born last month.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Wickstrom of Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Couch has a condition in which she releases more than one egg per month, coming down her tubes, ready to be fertilized and that explains why all the twins are all fraternal and not identical.

Couch is now a full time stay at home mom and says she goes through 3 dozen of diapers in a day. She is engaged to the father of the 2nd and 3rd set of twins, and they are planning their wedding for September and they don’t plan on having any more children right away.

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