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I did tooth extraction now I cant sleep

Hi folks!

Ur brother needs assistance and guidance. I did tooth extraction like a month back. After 2 wks d dental practitioner adviced I shld stop salt-water solution. What’s more, d torment reliever. What’s more, following a month I went back to complain that torment is at times and that it is still swollen. So he said that I shld not panic, that it is an aftereffect of the trouble they had while removing the tooth(drilling d bone).

Sadly that night I erroneously bite on a bit of bone while chewing. Also, since lair the swelling and torment has quickly expanded.

I have begun to utilize diclofenac and cac-1000. Be that as it may, as I write that am in genuine agony I can’t rest.

I need ur help on our to reduce d pain n d swollen part ?

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