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IPOB is Quickly Becoming the Boko Haram of South East – Chike Okonkwo

IPOB urgently demarketing South East Nigeria. IPOB and the Somalization of Igboland.  It will get to a point where the remaining elite in the SE together with the middle class will have to relocate to Lagos or Abuja.  If the elite is not investing at home because it is not conducive and the middle-class is not around to buy goods,more frustration will set for for the youths.

Onitsha is a transport hub. There is no where you will not be connected to. What this young misguided youths, whom some Igbos in diaspora have sown hatred in their hearts want is total anarchy. Destruction of the business environment.

Those in diaspora fuelling this have their families in safe places. No thanks to the pro corruption elite sponsoring them.

IPOB is quickly becoming the boko haram of south east whose only mission is anarchy.
No economic or political agenda.

It is time the government lives up to its responsibility. Democracy is not anarchy. Freedom comes with responsibility.

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