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Top 7 Ways to live peacefully In A Rented Apartment In Lagos

If your home is in a hired apartment in Lagos, there are several unwritten laws and rules you need to adhere to if you wish to live in peace. Some landlords don’t take it easy with tenants who make an effort to outshine them and may do everything to place such tenants in their places and let them know who owns the house. So if you wish to live in peace in a residence that’s not your own  in Lagos, here are a few seven things you need to be very mindful of.

1. Don’t be in the opposition

Living in someone’s apartment and trying to be the rebel leader is a no-no as no landlord would condone you being an antagonist.

Forming a union of other tenants and being the leader to oppose everything the landlord says is often taken as an affront and they would think you are scheming to take the house from them.

They are quick to remind you that the house belongs to them even if they inherited the house from their great-grandfathers.

Lagos landlords like tenants who give them their due in terms of decision making and would not hesitate in handing you a quit notice whenever they notice that you are the opposition leader.

As soon as he notices that you always play the devil’s advocate during compound meetings, you have become a marked person and would be shown the way out as soon as possible.
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