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Highwire Heels: Russian super hot Lady Sets World Record Live on TV (VIDEO)

In a live performance on Italian TV, talented Russian performer Oxana Seroshtan set another world record for performing the most distant tightrope walk while wearing stiletto heels.  Talented Russian artist Oxsana Seroshtan earned a spot in the Guinness Book of Records after she could walk 15 meters on a tightrope wearing 12cm stiletto heels.

Oxana walked the rope live on the Italian network show ‘Guinness World Records’ and doubled the past record separation of 7.5 meters, which had been set by Australian Chelsea McGuffin.  Bold Oxana kept her balance with the assistance of a fan that she held in her right hand. The razor-flimsy rope was 7.5 meters in length, and she walked from one end to the next, spun on her proverbial heel, and walked ack.
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