Home / News From Nigeria / World News / Wild Shootout at Atlanta Gas Station Captured in Shocking Video

Wild Shootout at Atlanta Gas Station Captured in Shocking Video

A disturbing video showing a violent gun battle at an Atlanta service station which left one woman injured went massively viral. In the footage, the driver of a Dodge Charger parked at a fuel pump starts arguing with another unidentified man. The driver is then seen pulling an AK 47 from the automobile after ther other person moves toward his handgun. A regular stream of gun fire is then exchanged as someone is observed running away in the background.

A person inside the gas station runs outside and opens up the rear door before quickly exiting. The driver then begins to pull away, and then stops as a woman exits the passenger side door clutching her shoulder. He then runs inside the gas station and the video ends.

The woman, who was shot, was taken to the Atlanta Medical Center. Her injury is non-life threatening and she has been released.

A local CBS affiliate reported that the driver gave a statement consistent with the video. The unidentified male he fired at fled in a black and red Mazda and has not been apprehended.

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