Nje awon eniyan omo Nigeria si ni igbagbo wi pe Naijeria sile goke agba? E se ayewo linki isale yii lati ka ero awon omo Nigeria:
Chief Awolowo was not released by Lt. Colonel Emeka Ojukwu or Major General Aguiyi-Ironsi – That is a lie by Radio Biafra. Chief Awolowo Being Received At Dodan Barracks After He Was Released By Lt. Colonel Gowon On Tuesday, August 3, 1966. He Was Personally Driven From Ikeja Airport To Dodan Barracks By Lt. Colonel Murtala Muhammed. There Was NO Plan By Majors Ifeajuna or Nzeogwu To Release Him. This is the official gazette of the Federal Military Government, which ...