Teaching given by Baba Odùdúwà through his ELÈGÚN (Medium).
Baba Odùdúwà makes questions to put people to Think, to ponder…
Baba Odùdúwà ask: Life is Perfect? Where did you were 20 years ago, and where you are now? It’s worth to Live and Fight for something that doesn’t have any solution, nor any hope? To decide who lives and who dies? Living in this world, which is so rotten and corrupted by the Human Being. It’s worth trying?
Why we Judge, if you are not Eledumare? What is a descriptive? It’s a form of Judgment; like, this is Good, this is Bad, this is ugly, this is beautiful, this is Blue, this is brown.
It’s worth living in this corrupted world?
If the Salvation of the World is that all people went to be Initiated into the ÒÒŞÀ (ÒRÌŞÀ) and IFÁ Traditions. If that is the Solution, let us tomorrow Initiate everyone in this world with their ruling ÒRÌŞÀ crowned over their heads. But what if that is not the solution? Then, What?
Try to be Conscious of the reasons and why are you going to do the ÒÒŞÀ (Sodo ÒRÌŞÀ or Joko ÒÒŞÀ) Initiation. For what reason are you doing the Initiation? It’s Worth to Live and inclusive to Die for others? Do You Understand the Greatness, and do You Comprehend what you are going to do (ÒRÌŞÀ Initiation)?
In what moment we become the Executioner and the Judge, damaging other people?
In what moment that GOOD that apparently you Do, becomes in something EVIL?
If there are People Doing an EVIL thing, and I am doing a GOOD thing, and I harm them, What did I just do?
If there are People Doing a GOOD thing, and I am doing a GOOD thing for myself, but I am harming others that are Doing GOOD. Then, What did I just do?*
LISTEN WELL what I am going to say. But I say to you: “My Word it’s NOT the TRUTH, don’t Fallow it”
You can have that for sure, that the TRUTH is in what You all do (with what I say and teach), that the TRUTH is in what You all live, feel and think, and the TRUTH is what You all get to do.
There are difficult times coming ahead, in which many people are going to Die, among those people there are some that we would consider Good people and others we would consider Evil People, but they are going to Die. Who has the TRUTH?
You are going to do your ÒÒŞÀ (ÒRÌŞÀ) Initiation Ceremony for all the reasons, except for the ones that you think. From this and to Do What You have to Do, it’s another thing.
This is a Materialistic World?
Who has made this World like this?
The Common Good depends on each of You, Do you understand me?
Who we are? From where we come from? Where we are going? This was the Reason, and has been the CURSE of many People and the Blessing of some others.
What makes the Human Being Great?; It’s his Actions, what the Human Being Builds, Creates, and not what he Destroys… Do you understand me?
NOTE from Awo Ifalenu: Be AWARE and CONSCIOUSS of what You Do. Do without doing harm… Be Constructive…
Cc- Ifalenu Omoifa