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Author Archives: BalogunAdesina

International political activist, public commentator, Political scientist and a law abiding citizen of Nigeria. Famous Quote ---> "AngloZionist Empire = Anglo America + Anglo Saxon + the Zionist Israel + All their Pamement Puppets (E.g all the countries in NATO,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Qatar..) +Temporary Puppets (E.g Boko haram, Deash, alQeda,ISIL,IS,...)"
china buhari

China To Spent $60 Billion On Projects In Africa – West Is Concerned By Beijing’s Growing Influence

On September 3rd, China promised $60 billion worth of financing and aid to African countries. As reported by Reuters, Chinese President Xi Jinping offered the aid during the opening remarks of the China-Africa summit, held this week in Beijing. Several ...

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russia Syria pound idlib

Syrian, Russian Jets Pound Militant Positions In Southern & Western Idlib Ahead Of Expected Advance By Syrian Army – Reports

Warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces have started carrying out airstrikes on positions of militants in southern and western Idlib, according to pro-government sources. At the same time, pro-militant sources and journalists of mainstream ...

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Aleksandr Zakharchenko

Who was behind the assassination of Aleksandr Zakharchenko?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and International Affairs and Security Analyst, from Moscow, Mark Sleboda discuss the stunning assassination of Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, who was killed in an explosion that took place in a ...

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I Know Who Killed Aleksandr Zakharchenko by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions. It does not matter what the surname of the saboteur who planted the bomb that killed the head of the DPR, Aleksandr Zakharchenko. Another thing is important; ...

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cross talk

CrossTalk Bullhorns on alert! (Extended version)

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israel aggression

Israel Bombs Damascus, in preparation for U.S Strikes

Израиль бомбит Дамаск, значит идёт подготовка к ударам СШАpic.twitter.com/HWENiCJWrr — Кремлёвская (@KremlinLana) September 1, 2018 Repeated blasts were heard from the direction of Syria’s Mazzeh Military airbase near Damascus on Sunday, Reuters reported. According to a source in the Syrian ...

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Wess Mitchel

The US State Department Openly Outlined Its Plans to Guarantee America’s Global Primacy

By Sergey Latyshev Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with http://www.stalkerzone.org/the-us-state-department-openly-outlined-its-plans-to-guarantee-americas-global-primacy/  source: https://cont.ws/@sensei/1049508   Speaking in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the assistant to the Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell stated that the US punishes ...

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The Russian destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov

August 31, 2018: Russian Navy To Hold Large Drills Near Syria

The Russian Navy will hold drills in the Mediterranean Sea, near Syria, in the period from September 1 to September 8, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on August 30. The drills will involve 25 warships led by the Marshal Ustinov ...

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The Battle of Idlib

by Ghassan and Intibah’s Kadi Or is it the Battle for Idlib? And whose battle? And who is fighting who? And where? The only thing that is clear about this seemingly upcoming battle is the fact that Idlib has been ...

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U.S aggression in syria

Is the next US aggression on Syria already scheduled?

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The things that please are those that are asked for again and again Horace Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran John McCain President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. ...

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