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Jealous Boyfriend Sentenced To Prison After Banning Girlfriend From Snapchat.

A jealous boyfriend has been jailed for “psychological abuse” after banning his girlfriend from using Snapchat and threatened to kill her family if she left him. Matthew Bailey, 24, ordered selfie-loving Molly Cunliffe, 19, her not to swap Facebook and Instagram messages with heterosexual men and even told her she was not allowed to put kisses at the end of social media posts.

Obsessed Bailey was so jealous, he would regularly check Molly’s mobile phone, tell her what to wear and demanded she send him pictures or go on Facetime to prove she was at home or even asleep in bed.  He dictated that only male friends she could contact over social media had to be gay.

Bailey also bombarded the care assistant with phone calls demanding she ring him every day – and then falsely accuse her of cheating on him whenever she did not answer.

During one phone call recorded by a friend of Molly’s following an argument, Bailey warned her: ”You’ll get a car through your front window and I’ll stab you in the neck. “You know what I’m capable of.’

‘He added: ”Do not block my number then go home and shag. “Tell your mum and dad to sit upstairs, I’ll drive a car through your gaff – take a picture to prove you’re outside having a cig.”

Molly, from Bolton, Greater Manchester, tried to end the four-week relationship but Bailey then threatened to kill her family.

She went to police after a burst of 30 calls in just one morning from her obsessed partner.

At Manchester magistrates court, Bailey, from Horwich, near Bolton was jailed for six months after he was found guilty of engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship.

He was also barred from contacting Mollyfor five years.


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