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Carol Bowditch

‘I do not know that having s3x with a dog is illegal’

Carol Bowditch, a 64 year old female pensioner of Evedon, Lincs, was filmed having s3x with dogs. It was reported by Mirror.co.uk, that she had s3x with a St Bernard, a black labrador and an Alsatian claiming later she did not realise that it was illegal. Her activities were exposed as a result of an RAF Police investigation which centred on a man identified as organising a bizarre s3x party. Dog’s owner laments that after having s3x with dogs she goes home to have s3x with men.


Details of the event were later posted on an internet forum specialising in bestiality. This according to reports compelled investigating police officers to visit Bowditch. When her home was searched officers recovered a DVD and a USB stick which both contained film of her with dogs. She was apprehended and sent to be prosecuted in a court. “When the DVD was analysed it was found to contain extreme images’ Victoria Rose, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court.


“Those images portrayed persons committing penetrative s3xual acts with dogs. “Also included were images of this defendant herself carrying out s3xual activity. “Included was an eight minute and 59 seconds video of Mrs Bowditch engaging in vaginal and oral s3x with a St Bernard dog named Oscar. “When the defendant was interviewed she admitted she had penetrative s3x with dogs. “She accepted it had taken place over several years. She was unaware it was illegal.” Miss Rose said that at least eight photographs were found of Bowditch having s3x with dogs and 30 moving images.

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