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Lady Who Started Masturbating At The Age Of 6 Shares Her Story

mojicoker on her social media profile wrote:  I look so innocent in this picture, but if only you knew what my mind knew.
I grew up in England and I believe in this picture I was 6 years old. So young and full of life. But my mind at this time was already corrupt. At this young age I knew what sex was, had watched a couple of x-rated movies and I’d even started playing with myself (masturbating). Who knew I would deal with these addictions for over 20 years of my life. I for one didn’t. But it continued, it progressed and it took Jesus to save and deliver me.

I don’t know what you’re dealing with. I don’t know what you’ve been battling with for a very long time. I don’t know the addictions and vices you feel you can’t overcome. But I do want you to know something, Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus delivers. He saved me from every vice and set me free. He broke every yoke of addiction I’ve had to deal with. He restored my soul. He gave me life. And I do believe that if any man be in God he is a new creature, old things have passed away behold all things have become new.

So my dears I don’t know what you’re going through, I don’t know how bad you feel or think or believe you are. But one thing is for sure, Jesus saves. And He’s ready for you if you come to Him.
Your girl Moji.


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