It’s inevitable that Ethiopia will advance. Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic society that operates under an optimized regional system. Each ethnolinguistic region in Ethiopia pursues its regional comparative advantage, and each region uses its own language as the lingua Franca of the state. And lastly, Ethiopia has a well-established economic relationship with China and not with the West.
NGR has almost the same ethnolinguistic profile as Ethiopia, but NGR operates under a centripetal unitary system, in which a foreign language is the lingua Franca of all the federating states.
Anyway, Ethiopia is a free state by all standards. Ethiopians are in tune with their moral and natural philosophies, and they use their own languages to define and process their realities. NGR, by contrast, is a colonial state. Majority of Nigerians are confused about reality, for they use a foreign language to define and process their realities.
In conclusion, a people who are in tune with their moral and natural philosophies, and who use their own language to define and process their realities stand a better chance of advancing than those who do not.