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Wisdom From A Dying Man…

Doctor, Don’t worry. I know I am going to die. I didn’t want to come here but they brought me here. Please don’t worry about me, look at my hair, they are gone. I am so old but you are so young. I have learnt a lot from life, if you don’t mind I will tell you some of them before I die.

When I was 4 years, I use to think the world is about me. When turn 14, I wanted to rule the world. I thought I will be the greatest man that ever live. When I was 21, I wanted to be the richest man, when I was 25, I wanted to find love, when I was 40, I wanted to be helpful to everyone. Now that I am here, I want to die. You see, I wanted so many thing at so many time.

Most importantly, I wanted to be happy. I thought the best way to be happy is to listen to others. When I wanted to enter the University, I wanted to study Zoology but everyone said I should study Engineering that I will be a great Engineer. So I listened to them. I had no one to pay my fees, I had to work and also pay my fees. In my third year, I couldn’t cope with my studies, I had to drop. When I dropped, same people told me you should have studied Zoology!

When I turned 28, everyone said I should marry. That I need a wife. So I listened to them, I got Married. 6 years into the marriage, I caught my wife sleeping with my neighbour. I asked her why and she slapped me. I was angry and didn’t say anything. The next day I returned from work, she has ran away with my children, now I am dying a lonely man.

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