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opon ifa

Ifa warns us to watch what our mouth utters.

In whatever we say, in everything we say, be mindful,
be honest, be truthful, and be conscious in order not to harm ourselves or our loved ones with our utterances. We should not be our own worst enemy!
In Irosun Ega (Irosun Obara)
Ifa says:
Ega ko’le
Ega f’enu tu u
Dia f’Ega seseese
To bi’mo meji
To ni Ile oun ti oun tete
Won ni o ka’ra blessings, Ebo ni sise
Ega, the Palm Bird built her home
Ega, the Palm Bird used her mouth to scatter her home
This was the Ifa cast for Ega seseese
Who gave birth to two children
And announced that her home was now completely filled with children
She was advised to offer ebo…
In this Odu, Ega, the Palm Bird was fond of using superlative terms to qualify her activities to make her colleagues angry, jealous, and/or feel inadequate. She boasted, bragged, and exaggerated everything, and most of what she said was not true.
She was warned against this type of behavior several times, but she refused to listen.
One day Ega laid two eggs and hatched the two.
This gave her the perfect opportunity she was looking for to give her colleagues something to be jealous of. She announced to her colleagues that her home was now filled up with several children.
So, for that reason, the colleagues of Ega seseese planned with hunters to go and ransack her home and capture her together with all her children.
When the hunters arrived, they simply set her house on fire. The two babies died, and Ega just barely escaped.
Ever since that time, Ega seseese has lived her life lonely, with sorrow and regret.
May the words of our mouths, and the meditations
of our hearts, be acceptable in Olodumare’s sight…

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