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Odu Ifa Owonrin Okanran

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Ekaaro eyin eniyan mi, aojiire bi? Aku ise ana o a sin tu ku imura toni, aku isimi opin ose emin wa yio se pupo re laye o ase.
Odu ifa OWONRIN OKANRAN lo gate laaro yi, ifa yi fore alaanu gidigidi fun akapo ti odu yi ba jade si, ifa ni ki akapo naa rubo daradara nibe nitori ki o baa le pade alaanu ati oloore re o.
Ifa naa ki bayi wipe: Owonrin kanranran okanran kanranran a difa eyele lojo ti eyele ntikole orun bo wa sikole isalaye won ni ki eyele karale ebo ni ki o se nitori ki o baa le pade alaanu re nile aye, obi meji, eru eko, eru akara, eru isu, eru eka, igripa obuko ati igba ewe ayajo ifa, eyele kabomora o rubo won si se sise ifa fun nigbati eyele maa dele aye ibiti o ti nlo lo ti pade esu odara lona ni esu wa beere lowo re wipe nibo lo nlo? Eyele si dalohun wipe lati ode orun ni oun ti nbo pe oun ko iti nibugbe kankan, esu odara ba ni ko wonu ikoko to gbe lowo eyele si wonu ikoko looto esu odara si sofun wipe inu ikoko yen ni yio maa gbe ati wipe ori Olori ni yio maa pese gbogbo nkan to ba nfe fun nibe, bi eyele se pade oloore re niyen o inu eyele wa dun o wa njo o nyo o nyin awo awon awo nyin ifa, ifa nyin eledumare oni nje riru ebo a maa gbeni eru arukesu a maa da ladaju nje ko pe ko jina ifa wa bami ni jebutu ire nje jebutu ire ni a nba awo lese obarisa.
Eyin eniyan mi, mo gbaladura laaro yi wipe eledumare yio muwa pade alaanu wa o, ibikibi ti alaanu wa bawa loni eledumare yio mu ese wa gbabe, alaanu, oloore, alaranse yio sawari wa loni, ako ni jiya kato jeeyan gidi laye beeni eleda wa koni tako ise rere wa, ako ni binu si alaanu ati oloore wa o aaaseee.



Good morning my people, how was your night? Hope it was great, wishing you all a well spend beautiful weekend, may we witness many of it amen.
It is OWONRIN OKANRAN corpus that revealed this morning, ifa foresee the blessing of benefactor for whoever this corpus revealed out for, ifa advised him/her to offer sacrifice so that he/she would never miss his/her benefactors.
Hear what the corpus said: Owonrin kanranran okanran kanranran it cast divined for pigeon when pigeon was coming from the heaven to the earth, pigeon was advised to offer sacrifice so that she may meet her benefactor in the earth, two kola nuts, he-goat, local pot, corncake, cake beans, yam, corn, and ifa leaves and she complied, when pigeon reached the earth she met esu odara on the road and esu odara asked her where she was going and pigeon replied that she was just arrived at earth she has not get anywhere to live, so esu odara ordered her to entered inside the pot she holds on hands and pigeon did so, esu odara told pigeon that that is where she will be living and it is human being that will be providing her whatever she needs, she will never work or stress herself before she could be live in life, pigeon was happy and she started dancing and rejoicing praising priest the priests were praising ifa while ifa was praising God.
My people, I pray this morning that we shall meet our benefactors today, wherever our benefactors is, God will locate him/her for us, we shall never be stress in life before will be become a tangible person and our heads will never work against our success and prosperity.


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