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Photos: Meet the Gorrila Mother who couldn’t say goodbye to her dead Tyke

These are the deplorable photographs of a gorilla called Shira Frankfurt Zoo in Germany who lost her tyke just 1 week after its birth to the world. The Gorilla could be seen walking frantically through her confine at, desperate for her dead infant to wake up.

Sorrow is written everywhere all over as she carries her, cuddles her and once in a while shakes her.

Be that as it may, her infant died last week and she doesn’t understand why. At evening time she lays the dead gorilla over her stomach and awakens with the same puzzled look all over when her infant doesn’t stir.

Zoo chief Prof. Manfred Niekisch said; ‘Last Thursday she was OK in the morning but in the afternoon she suddenly and without warning died. We have as yet no idea what caused it.’

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