Do you ever wonder why nobody mentions these things, like raise your hand and say “Umm,. uhhh, what the hell did you just say?!!” — I would, right on the spot. Why would I not do that?
By Ramin Mazaheri – crossposted with PressTV That headline asks a surprising question, yet it’s one which was repeatedly expressed by African-Americans in Kenosha when I asked them for their evaluation regarding how all levels of government had responded to the profoundly shocking series of recent shootings there. Boarded-up Kenosha looks like a community under siege, and they naturally wonder who is coming to help them. Kenoshans would assume that a visit by the occupant of the White House would be ...
Obama .. Hahaha this is serious. So Obama has been sponsoring ISIS
The blood of the dead will continue to hunt you down. How do you even sleep at night ?
The real anti-christ is here. Obama choi !