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Does the size of woman’s breast determine the quantity of milk she can produce during breastfeeding?

It is called breast ptosis in medicine, it does not have anything to do with too much pressing or breastfeeding,it is a normal process,which occurs in every woman and the bigger the breast,the more likely is the breast to sag. There are other factors too.

There are other factors too,it could equally occur in small breast,because it does not have much fat,fat helps in the stability of the breast,in the aspect of big breast,it’s because of the weight.there are also those caused by efffect of the elastic fibres of the breast skin etc

Brother look in all that I have learnt and my experience as a medical practitioners according to your question there is nothing like having little liquid content because you have small size breast. Sizes of breast have so many factors responsible but the major ones are 1 hereditary 2 hormone secretion 3 disease. Mind you any woman that have breast fed her children well is likely not to have cancer. And one of the advantages of sucking the nipple by a baby or husband or sex-partner that people don’t know it that when a woman have a baby that she is still breast feeding well it also acts like a natural family-planining birth control.
When the husband together with the baby are sucking the breast the sensational please and stimulations the woman will get will send a signal to the reproductive hormone glands which will keep or prevent the ovary from ovulation (no menstrual period will occur also) and so no matter how many times the woman sex she can never get pregnant it also helps couples to measure the age gap of their children. But note this is for a woman with a breast feeding baby. I also want to add that pressing and sucking a breast by a man or a woman ‘s partner is never the cause of shilink or sagging the only thing bad is that Ladies should not allow their man to press and queue the breast hard for it can effect the mammalian

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