- And winner of the most random law goes to the state of Pennsylvania for this illogical piece of legislation: all fire hydrants must be checked one hour before fires. If your inferno doesn’t give you due warning, everyone is in trouble!
- In Maine, it’s illegal to step out of an aircraft in mid-flight. It’s highly unlikely anyone has actually been charged with this offence, due to the probability that they wouldn’t survive long enough for the police to arrive.
- It’s illegal to sing off key in North Carolina, so it’s likely we can assume amateur talent contests don’t happen very often, and very few boy band tours coming through the state.
- In Florida, it’s illegal not to tell your neighbour that their house is on fire. It doesn’t matter how much they annoy you with loud music and their car blocking your driveway!
- If you get annoyed with lazy neighbours who don’t get their Christmas decorations down until the next holiday, then Maine is for you! It’s an offence to have your Christmas decorations up later than January 14. Now that’s a crazy law that would be welcome anywhere!
- You’ve only got six days of the week to buy a car in Colorado, where it’s illegal for car dealers to show cars on a Sunday.
- In West Virginia, you absolutely must not walk your tiger, lion or leopard, even if it’s on a leash. Apparently nothing can contain them when they’re out for walkies, so best keep them at home.
- In South Dakota, it’s illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory. This is one of those laws where you have to wonder who the poor guy was who inspired it, and what happened to him?
- In some parts of California and Massachusetts, it’s illegal to detonate a nuclear device within city limits and you’ll be up for a $500 fine. What you do outside city limits is up to you, and the future of mankind.
- In Michigan, if a burglar is injured while robbing your home, he’s entitled to sue you. So you’d better double your insurance!