9)Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

The answer is, he didn’t. At any rate not in Quitman, Georgia, where its illicit for chickens to cross streets. Perhaps everybody is tired of the joke and trusted that this law would end it. That is by all account not the only chicken law in the Peach State: its illicit to cut off a chicken’s head on Sundays in Columbus.
10)Animal Rights

There are many laws over the States to guarantee individuals aren’t using creatures for entertainment purposes or generally and, once more, you need to think about how a lot of an issue these practices were for these laws to exist! For instance, its unlawful to abuse rats in Denver, Colorado; puppies with tattoos must be accounted for to the police in Connecticut; you’re not permitted to wake a sleeping bear for the reasons of a photo in Alaska (best to let resting bears lie); there’s a $500 fine for attacking butterflies in California, whatever that even means; on the off chance that you tie your elephant to a parking meter in Florida, make certain to pay the parking as you would a typical vehicle; beating bats with a baseball in Galesburg, Illinois accompanies a $100 fine; its illicit to utilize any sort of reptile in a religious service in Kentucky; don’t try to tie your gator to a flame hydrant in New Orleans; you can’t abuse shellfish in Baltimore, Maryland, again whatever that implies; no gorillas in the backseats of cars in Massachusetts; camel and ostrich hustling in New Mexico are entirely a no-no; in Atlanta, Georgia, its unlawful to tie a giraffe to a telepgraph pole ; and, in case you’re going to a zoo in New Jersey, verify you don’t offer any of the creatures any whiskey,vodka or cigarettes. Phew! Then again, you could use your ability to think and simply purchase a dog and take it for a walk.