They baited Ukrainian Nazis and Ultranationalists (they placed in power) into starting a Civil War they knew would lead to Russian intervention.
Now they drip feed just enough to maintain their grossly corrupt Dictator puppet in Kiev in power while using the Ukrainian failed state as a live weapons laboratory, a giant money laundering hub, and the single biggest deflection scam from failed domestic policies in History.
Meanwhile, American mega-corporations make Billions selling weapons to replace the outdated junk they flooded Ukraine with the name of “Freedom and Democracy”
Of course, Ukraine is now neither Free nor a Democracy, but when you’re casting your entire population over a cliff to defend a giant, irreversible, foreign policy blunder of US making, you get to discard all of your people’s rights, religious freedoms and Money over the cliff too.
Uncle Sam never interrupts his vassals while they destroy themselves in service of the Dollar, he waits until they are too weak to raise their heads from the trough, packs his bags (usually with the sovereign wealth and assets of the host), and leaves.
Most Ukrainians now know exactly what is happening to the remnants of their country but are either too brainwashed or terrified to say it, one thing is certain
The Americans will abandon Ukraine, or what remains of it, and when Uncle Sam packs up, and the last chopper leaves Bankova, his EU lapdogs won’t be far behind him
Just ask the Afghans.
Follow me @irishmaninrussia