Home / Naija Gist / Metro life / Lady accuses a Nigerian Airforce officer of nearly beating her to death
Lady accuses a Nigerian Airforce officer of nearly beating her to death

Lady accuses a Nigerian Airforce officer of nearly beating her to death

The lady shared the photo above on her Instagram page and wrote the story bellow.
“An officer of D nnigeria airforce cm to my aunt house with his girlfriend 12.16am to ask of me,.my aunt told him to either call me or come back day break because am not in my house the next morning in church my aunt told me about N I should warn him Neva to come N disturb D all neighborhood at dat time of the day again she said she was really scared I try reaching him on phone his phone was off than I on my way to get some stuffs I met him N he stop his car the next thing when I move towards him to ask why he cm the other nite he slapped me I was surprise before I could say anything he collected my phone and gave it to his girlfriend so I lock his shirt in the process his gold chain cut Dan the beating started he ask his girlfriend to be videoing it but the girl stop when the officer was beating me to death and he told D girlfriend she shouldn’t worry he will pay her well.


My phone was ringing D whole time but D girlfriend didn’t realise my phone. He said he was taking me to the police station and I said thats beta but dat I will use D gold chain as an evidence Dan the girl N one of his friends I don’t even know how he got there said he should collect D chain first because dar can be use against him but I didn’t release i said I will give the chain to him at the police station dan he called 4 other officers before I could explain myself they started beating me that I should release D chain so I put the chain in my mouth and dey started beating me when people said shouting N said they are calling the police than they carried me saying they are taking me to the hospital but instead I was taking to their house they started using money to beg me dat.


I should not do anything N I should give them D chain I insisted that I will report them dat. Was Dan a gun was pointed at my head N they gv me a written speech by them that if I should try doing anything they will use it against me dat I should collect money N I said I want nothing it was later my mummy and my aunt cm and I was reach to the hospital. M

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