Home / News From Nigeria / Breaking News / 8 Harmful & Fatal things Many Nigerians Do Ignorantly; 1 & 2 May Surprise You

8 Harmful & Fatal things Many Nigerians Do Ignorantly; 1 & 2 May Surprise You

Ignorance is really a very dangerous disease that’s effective at destroying one’s life. The dangerous nature of ignorance is unchangeable and cannot be questioned. We usually do plenty of deadly things as a result of ignorance.

Many persons had lost their lives consequently of ignorance. Countless properties have been destroyed consequently of ignorance; I suppose the results of ignorance outlined bellow would be the major reasoned explanations why people often succumb to the most popular saying that states; “Everything you don’t know is above you. Ignorance renders us powerless in the face area of what we don’t know. Ignorance deprives us of our rights as humans. Thus, we have to clamour for knowledge. Knowledge doesn’t only give power, it’s power itself, unlike ignorance. For this reason Knowing about things around us and things we use is extremely crucial and essential.

To shorten the long piece, this short article is purposely to reveal harmful things we do unknowingly. Many people do these thing without knowing how dangerous they are. Hence, exactly why i opted to publish this piece. The funniest part of it, is the fact many of these hazardous practices are only like norms in Nigeria.

Below are some of the deadly (suicidal and murderous) things we do ignorantly:

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