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Top 9 Ways Nigerian Pastors & Politicians Brainwash Nigerians

Authority-Misinfluence Tendency. 

7) If you keep talking long enough to people even illogical reasons can be just as persuasive as logical reasons. Don’t question what you don’t know because God works in mysterious ways. Mr. Lai Mohammad uses this a lot.

Reason-Respective Tendency. 

8) Losing your Christian friends in your mind is more painful than gaining new non-Christian friends, so you stay in the church.

Deprival-Super reaction Tendency 

9) A rational being start doing irrational things when exposed to multiple Cognitive biases at the same time. Within a religious, political, sport setting, when people get exposed to more than 20 cognitive biases at the same time. No matter how strong your will is, your brain will crumble, but the cool thing is you will still think you are in control. The majority of Africans have long lost control of their thoughts.


By Aroms Aigbehi

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