13. Learn more Trades.
You are a GREAT ENTREPRENEUR not a Doctor,Lawyer,Engineer,Dentist etc that are fixed to one field of work for a Lifetime.
When ever you have that Spare time,Utilize it and learn more Trades and attach them to your existing trade. Be it Blogging,Mini-importation,PLAN-B,Forex, Biogas, BulkSmS etc
Even those White collar worker have PLAN-B
14. Health is Wealth.
In the quest to make more money you should not ignore your Health.
Note: When your health is down your business goes down. When you are in good health you acquire more wealth.
15.Thites and Charity Donations.
To whom much is given much is expected. After achieving your goals and plans do not forget to appreciate your creator.
Helping those in need of donations and visitation even if you know them or not.
The Blessing is Divine!
**climbs down from Palm tree**