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Belief and Faith – Must read

It is important when you say something and your total conviction to higher vibrations within you determine your life, your steps and your outcome. Hence belief is an important word in the teaching of the wise and it is foundation of the universe. No man has ever seen his great, great, great, great, great, great and great grand father or grand-mother ( his ancestors), but you have the conviction that these ancestors real existed in the distant past and they are your foundation and determine and influence the continuation of your existence, just as you have the total conviction of your present existence and your present life, your future existence is also a vivid belief phenomenon based on your conviction and good habit of the present, that all shall be well.


The constant dwelling in such a positive act, conduct and see other through the light and divine love give you a peace of mind that surpasses the understanding of man. Belief in the unseen with total conviction form the basic foundation of life to delve into the unknown and bringing into our lives the force of the unknown, that is the force of Olodumare and his numerous divinities. The unknown is the invisible power radiating the universe and is the greatest vibration in the cosmos.


Certain belief and faith are necessary to bring about victory , success, salvation and power not only in our lives, but for the whole generation yet unborn. while the right belief is the most essential steps to the path of divine and spiritual consciousness. Without right belief, there cannot be right conduct and he who has not learned how to direct and govern his own conduct and structure his habit toward the path of light and divine love has not understand the simplest rudiment of truth, which in IFA is called IWA. How can man tells you that he is of OLODUMARE without the right conducts, GOOD IWA, but destroy the conduct and the personality of others!!! Can there be a right connection between the dove and the eagle. One is meek and the other is voracious. Those who condemn others, have no right belief, because they have not seen the light and the wisdom of OLODUMARE in their own life. Just like darkness is the passing away or fading away of the light or sun, and the pure light shows the presence of the godliness, the wise develop a right conducts to see light even in the darkest part of life .


Belief is the basis of all actions and the belief which dominates the mind is shown in the life. Every man acts, thinks, and lives in exact accordance with the belief which is rooted in his innermost being and such is the nature of the laws which govern mind that, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to believe in two opposing condition at the same time. It is impossible to believe in divine love when you constantly live in anger, hatred, and grudges against your fellow beings. condemning others and tarnishing the image of others in order to gain the sympathy is unnatural, the root of negative belief. A wise man loves and give loves, he loves those who hates him, because, he is sure of receiving the greatest and the best from the unknown. IFA equates religion to IWA, that is the greatest religious man is the man with sound, meek and gentle character ( good conducts).
Whoever belief in love and sympathy practices it under all circumstances, he will never deviate or ignore his fellow being even in the face of bad treatment. Belief in peace is known through peaceful conducts, whoever belief in peace never engage in any strife. Remember that no one constructs during war. Any contrary steps to hate, anger and grudge are a pure steps to initiate a war , which is destructive steps that negate belief. Mind, soul and body attain peace when you maintain peace with all that surround you.
Those who belief in truth, detest the act of selfishness and self-centeredness. The believer of truth with good habit never suffers and any suffering take them to the city of victory, success and progress. When a gold undergo temporary suffering, the best happen later, suffering is the foundation of sage savior and saint, anyone that suffers in righteous dominates the world. The end of the truthful, faithful and honest man is success and happiness. He may suffer temporarily in the face of challenges and horror, but he will come out as a gold refined in the fire of life.


Belief in the divine love, compassion, giving, discipline, and the unconditional act of detesting hatred, grudges, worries and anger are the first step to achieve generational blessing and victory.
Belief in God means, act and deeds of godliness, child-like and good conducts of life and life full of happiness, prayer and love for others. The exemplary life of perfection and divinized deeds make us the perfect disciples of the infinite one called Olodumare. He who declares belief in God, and yet s all the time living in his own lust, indulgence, or in the spirit of anger, hatred, condemnation is self deceived. evil man believes not in God, not his own existence but dwell in his own animal state. As a faithful servant delights in carrying out the commands of his master, so he who believes in God carries out the deeds and the works of God, so is saved from self destruction and generational curse.
It is pertinent that belief and faiths lie at the root of all human conducts.


Every thought, action, habits, conducts and deeds are the directs outcome of a certain fixed belief and one conducts alters only as one’s beliefs and faiths modified. What we cling to, in that we believe, what we practice in that we believe, when our belief in a thing ceased, we can no longer cling to or practice it. It falls away from us as a garment worn out. Men cling to their lust, anger and lies because they belief in them, believe there is gain and happiness in them, when they transfer and change their state of mind and belief in divine quality of love, humility, good character and sympathy, the evil will cease to trouble their soul and desist in establishing evil seeds in their generation.
Try to run away from evil habits, and conducts, the way you live and your conducts, deed and character under trying circumstance determine your life, and your future generation. No one plants fruits now and expect to reap vegetables in the future, and no man ever plants banana and expects to reap batatas (potatoes) or tomatoes, Your present plantation determine your future yield and fruits. Hence plant well, so as to reap good fruits and be able to feed your future generation will good fruits.
It is has been said that man entire life and character is the outcome of his belief and at times many may says, that his belief has nothing to do with his life. It is right and it is wrong. There are two kind of belief, namely the head belief and the heart belief.


Head or intellectual belief is a superficial belief, that has no power to mould our character, habit and conducts, where by our conducts are governed by the praise of men and the societal values. Take for instance a man from the same culture or creed, they hold the same theological belief and confess the same article of faith in every particular situation, yet their characters are different. One will be noble, gentle and humane, while the other is cruel, wild and inhumane. While one will be honest, faithful and loving, other will be dishonest, unfaithful and hate. One will indulge certain habits, which another will rigidly reject.
A man’s creed or theological belief is merely his intellectual opinion or view of the universe and God and behind and underneath this head belief, lies deeply, rooted in his innermost beings, the hidden, silent and secret belief of his heart, and it is this belief which moulds and makes his whole life. It is this which makes the wise the object of transformation that shapes the lives of other in accordance to the will of God and his numerous divinities.
Just like life is initiated in the secret dawn of the life and blossom, the secret belief in your inner can change or mar or lift up your life to meet the sun of your destiny, Just like a Yoruba sayings that aifala ojo, tojo ba la wa la saa ni,‘’ that is, as long as there is an appearance of the sun, you shall prosper and victorious in your undertaking ‘’, continue to shape your inner life, change within out and let your inner being conform to the light of Olodumare and his numerous divinities, Orunmila or Obatala are great divinities with great affection and divine love for all human, develop similar love, work ethics, sympathy and dedication to your work life and steps, and be faithful, honest and pure in your endeavor .


It is that which a man loves and clings to in his mind that shape his outward life. Your true inner thought are the essential principles of infinite power that ignite force or spark the light of outward habit. A pure gentle soul sees gentility, and honesty in all things, while tumultuous soul sees in the soul of others with hatred, lust , indulgence, criticism, condemnation, complain and bitterness. The loving soul belief in the pure love, victory and success, and happiness of others, the whole life resolves round a complete harmony with God and practices charity and give out love first to all under every condition. A man cannot cling to anything unless, he believes in it. Belief always precedes action, therefore a man’s deed and life are the fruits of his belief.
When a man sees the corpse of the evil man on the ground, and kicks it, the evil become two, that is‘’Ika- di- meji’’ that is the attraction of vibration called ‘’Ika meji’’, never respond evil with evil , be gentle, loving and caring to every- one, so that unseen forces will take good care of you and your generation . Try your good deed, cultivate the habit of praying for someone today and tell yourself that no one will make me angry because, the hand of Olodumare is upon me and bless me hence I need to bless someone.


There are two belief that will shape or mar your life, belief in good, or belief in evil. Those who belief in good will sure love and seek to always do good and exhibit good, while the evil man seeks to do evil, hate, complain, and condemn others under all condition. Belief in the infinite and all divinities is one things, doing what is contrary or harbor evil attitude towards others is another. Your good habit is a symbol of divine belief and faith. Cling to what is good from your heart.
It is shall be well with you as long as there is an appearance of the sun.


`Babalawo Ifadaunsi Fakorede

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