Capitalism is in such decay that even reproduction has been commodified. What was once the most intimate and personal human experience—having a child—has now been stripped of all emotional and social meaning, reduced to a transactional arrangement for status and power.
In late-stage capitalism, we’ve moved even further—not just spouses, but children themselves are now instruments of production, tools of empire-building for the ruling class.
This is not new—monarchs and aristocrats treated marriage and reproduction as tools for consolidating power for centuries. Political dynasties, strategic heirs, and bloodlines were all calculated moves in the game of empire.
Today, the new oligarchy—the techno-feudal elite—are doing the same. Wealthy individuals, free from traditional morality and social constraints, are spreading their seed like kings of old, while the working class struggles to afford a single child.
Musk, Bezos, and the billionaire class are no longer capitalists in the traditional sense—they are feudal lords, securing their own dynastic control over the future. This is no longer capitalism—it is techno-fascist feudalism and we are the serfs.
This is why MAGA will never be revolutionary, it lacks class consciousness and it’s a top down ideology. Revolutions that start in the bourgeoise almost always slide into a form of hypercapitalism or fascism and that’s exactly where USA is going.
We live in a predatory capitalist society in which everything is for sale. Everybody is for sale, so there is ubiquitous commodification – be it of music, food, people, or parking meters. `Cornel West