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Ifa is one of the 86 traditions of the world – UNESCO

In November 2005, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) proclaimed Ifa as one of the 86 traditions of the world to be regarded as masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. UNESCO then ordered all the nations and peoples of the world to give their unwavering support to these traditions, so that they would not perish.

The Ifa Heritage Institute is a post-secondary institution in Oyo Town, Oyo State, Nigeria, sponsored in part by UNESCO and approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The objective of the Institute is the preservation and propagation of Ifa as an indigenous African body of knowledge within the settings of a modern and contemporary educational system.

In the last three years, the Institute of Ifa Heritage has developed Ifa programs and other aspects of Yoruba culture with much advancement.

By: Iyánifá Fátóún.
Source: Youruba Culture.

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