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War Zone On Instagram – Investor bj Vs Hushpuppi

Hushpuppi shared the photo above and wrote the following;
hushpuppi:  This foolish bastard boy ? has been coming for me and people has been sending me his posts saying am a fake nigga, I’m deceiving people on social media but this nuisance that can’t even write good English thinks my silence means weakness, he doesn’t want to know I was just trying to spare his little ass of my wrath because at some point in our lives you and I called each other friends and wished each other well. Secondly I know you and I are not mates in any level in this life but now u will dance to the tune of the music you have started. Now on November 15th, 2015 less than a year when you recently bought your first Rolex which was inspired by “Me”. You said openly on social media that it was $30,000 which back then and now it’s equals over RM120,000 which is double the price which you bought it, now u have forgotten so soon how you deceived people and try to make yourself look like you are richer than you are, you now posted the original receipt which states clearly It’s RM63,000 Malaysia ringgit which means even both Rolex are not up to $30,000 which you claim you bought for $48,000. Now can you tell me who is a fake nigga who’s trying to impress people on social media? Definitely not me ????#HeWhoLaughLastLaughBest #Hehehehe #GodIsWorking #MoreShotsComing #OneOutOfSix #DidntTheyTellYouIWasSavage
Investor bj replied him

investor_bj: @b_qris shoe seller said I can’t speak English haha.lol Ma wrist lol .. pls meet the idiot in person and meet me .. @jaga_vikky send me that recording right away .. @jaga_vikk yremember the 5k we gave the idiot #stillpending# .. Lol .. Please meet us in person before judging .. Too small too mess with just pay my last born his money(5k rm = 600,000 naira ) I borrowed you ..Hush dog


Investor bj later shared a video where he bought husspuppi a drink and captioned it with’

investor_bj: Look at this born bastard @ hush dog shouting shower of blessings after I bought him couple of Ace and the idiot(shoe seller) keeps paying the blog to get fame ….#you can differentiate#


Look at this born bastard @ hush dog shouting shower of blessings after I bought him couple of Ace and the idiot(shoe seller) keeps paying the blog to get fame ….#you can differentiate#

A video posted by Ur ? Is Not My?CEO BJ WISE ENT (@investor_bj) on



husspuppi :




husspuppi :



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