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Jim Iyke Mourns Former Super Eagles Coach, Stephen Keshi

Jim Iyke Shared deep words as he mourns former super eagles Coach, Stephen Keshi. “I was reluctant to say something. Words truly fail me now. I don’t know where to begin. Barely a couple of months ago victor and I were on the phone to offer our condolences and respect for the demise of your lovely wife. About a month ago I was at the office in Atlanta,enthusiastically discussing with your son Steve Jnr, about how to start up this great business idea we all hatched up. Then this happened!! How does one go about eulogizing a giant; a national and global icon.


An amazing father and steadfast leader. You were the best amongst equals. A man that weathered fame and victory with the same seamless grace and guts as loss and criticism. You meant a lot to my countrymen even when some had a strange way of showing it. I have blatantly refused to make sense of this senseless loss. Words still fail me. God grant your family the strength and fortitude to bear this loss. You were the pioneer that stood at the door of international acclaim and opened it for generations to follow.


You sacrificed so that others can dream and achieve. You redefined being a boss on the international stage long before we even wrapped our heads around the word and its eminent potentials. You will always be my hero coacha! Adieu BIG BOSS! Your legacy and philosophy is indelible on the sands of time. God is in charge now.

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