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“Magun” (Thunderbolt) Allegedly Kills Prophet After Sleeping With Friend’s Wife


A white piece of clothing church prophet in a suburb of Lagos, ‘Woli Adesoji’, supposedly met his untimely demise amid s*x with the wife of his dear companion and a senior in the congregation.

It was accumulated that the ‘Woli’, was actually ousted from another church where he was a prophet after he was nabbed with a member’s wife and he later opened his own congregation and appeared to proceed in his indulgence.

Being the pioneer of the congregation, Adesoji had a free rule and laid down with any lady he considered fit, both wedded and single, particularly the individuals who looked for fruits of the womb or spouses.

According to a church member “It was a thing of shame when Prophet Adesoji, a married man with several children, died while making love to another man’s wife. And the woman is married to an elder in the church.

We all know Woli to be very randy and had been suspected by many but since he was the founder of the church, no one could confront him. It seemed the woman’s husband had planted ‘magun’ (a Yoruba voodoo meant to prevent a woman from committing adu!tery), on his wife and behold, it was Woli that was caught in the trap.

He died in a very shameful way in his private room in the church. The woman has since fled the area while church members have been trying to come to terms with the ugly incident.”

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